English + Internship Programmes

We are offering two different options for unpaid work experience in Auckland, New Zealand.
Mainly for students who are interested in a unique and exciting experience beyond the classroom.

Study English
Full-time Internship

The student will do a Full-time Internship AFTER finishing English courses.
Depending on the English level the student must do at least 4 weeks of Full-Time English language study followed by an internship of 6-24 weeks in the area of the studies and/or previous work experience.
An applicant must first send the completed Internship Programme Application Form to Worldwide School along
with some documents and requirements.

The application process should include:

· CV of the applicant.
· Cover Letter.
· Time of year they would like to come and length of English study and Internship.
· The candidate must be at least Upper-Intermediate (Level 5 / B2) (Offshore pre-tests available)
· Business Industry they wish to do an internship (including at least 3 areas of interest).

* It is operated by a professional placement company. Unpaid internships are nonpaid, non-permanent work experiences that enable a student to participate in, and observe, a professional work environment.

Study and Internship
"SANDI Programme"

The student will do a Full-time or Part-time Internship AFTER finishing English courses.

This is a Joint Programme between Worldwide School and Crown Institute as part of their Tourism and Hospitality partnerships. Internship at a Tourism or Hospitality partner.

· Students must have a minimum B1+ level of English (Offshore pre-tests available)

· Minimum 4 weeks and maximum 12 weeks programme.

** It is operated by Crown Institute of Studies. Unpaid internships are non-paid, non-permanent work experiences that enable a student to participate in, and observe a professional work environment.