Refund Policy

Find below current Government regulations for private language schools in New Zealand.

Courses three months or more
If the course is of three months duration or more and the withdrawal occurs up
to the end of the tenth working day after the first day on which the PTE requires
the student to attend the establishment:

In such cases, the PTE may deduct up to 25 per cent of the fees paid, provided
the PTE incurred costs to this amount and can justify these costs.
(As per section 235A(1)(a) and (b) of the Education Act and as set out in the
Education (Refund Requirements for International Students) Notice 2012.
Courses five weeks or more but less than three months
If the course is of five weeks or more but less than three months and the
withdrawal occurs up to the end of the fifth day after the start of the course:

In such cases, the PTE must pay an amount equal to the fees paid less a
deduction of 25 per cent. (As per section 235A(1)(c) and (d) of the Education Act.)
Courses under five weeks
If the course is under five weeks and the withdrawal occurs up to the end of the
second day after the start of the course:

In such cases, the PTE must pay an amount equal to the fees paid less a
deduction of 50 per cent. However, if two days constitutes the full amount of
tuition paid for by the student, the PTE may retain 100 per cent of the payment
(As per section 235A(1)(c) and (d) of the Education Act.)


Refunds are made within 4 weeks of all correct paperwork being completed. After the
above periods no refund will be given unless in exceptional circumstances and will be at
the discretion of the Directors.

PTE’s own refund policy

These are minimum requirements. Students are entitled to a refund in line with a
PTE’s own refund policy. This may allow for amounts greater than the above. In
special circumstances, a PTE may also elect to make a refund that is greater
than specified in its refund policy.

There will be no refunds for course shortening. Students cannot transfer
afternoon classes to extra morning classes. Students are not able to transfer
their tuition fees to another student. There is no refund on extensions or re

On arrival:

In the event of a deportation, there will be a refund of the course and enrollment
fees minus a cancellation fee of NZ$500, any admin fees for work already done
and any bank charges.
In addition, if the airport transfer service is not notified of the cancellation, the
fees won’t be refunded. The first two weeks of accommodation and the
placement fee won’t be refunded either.
Refunds are calculated in NZ$ regardless of the currency in which payment was

A proof of deportation is required

Cancellation due to a visa decline or personal reasons:

In the event of a cancellation due to a visa decline or other personal reasons, there will be a refund of the course and enrollment fees minus a cancellation fee of NZ$500, any admin fees for work already done and any bank charges.

In addition, if there is accommodation cancelled less than 1 weeks before the
course starts then the first 2 weeks accommodation fees will also not be
refunded, and neither will be the placement fee.
Refunds are calculated in NZ$ regardless of the currency in which payment was

A proof of visa decline is required

Accommoda tion refunds:

After arrival, accommodation payments can be refunded after 2 weeks notice is
given to the Worldwide School Accommodation Manager.
Students cannot have their first 4 weeks of accommodation refunded.
Accommodation refunds are given after the 2 weeks notice and after the
student has actually left the accommodation.
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