Student Support and Wellbeing

The team at Worldwide takes pride in providing well-rounded support and services to our
students. We have a culturally diverse and compassionate team that listens willingly.
Be it academic difficulties or problems with your personal life, we are here to assist you in
reaching your dream career.

Hello, 你好, Bonjour,
こんにちは, Olá, Hola, مرحبا,
Hallo, 안녕하세요, สวัสดี

Pilar is responsible for student support and wellbeing.

We provide short-term counselling support for students, for any issues that are
impacting their studies (e.g. life challenges, relationships, family, sexuality,
depression, anxiety, stress, alcohol/drug issues).

In order to best fit your needs, we will ask you to complete a questionnaire.

All information you provide will be treated with the utmost confidentiality.

Academic appointments

Hello, 你好, Bonjour,
こんにちは, Olá, Hola, مرحبا,
Hallo, 안녕하세요, สวัสดี

Anetta is our Director of Studies and Academic Coordinator.

We are here to provide assistance when you need help with applying for
holidays, applying for compassionate consideration for tests or exams, or if you
have any queries about courses and teachers.

In order to best fit your needs, we will ask you to complete a questionnaire.

All information you provide will be treated with the utmost confidentiality.